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School year 2021 to 2022 is our second year of being online. We studied our practices last year to come up with better systems for the second year of our new normal.
- School Year 2021-2022 will be completely online. Students will use their Southridge-issued Gmail accounts to access their Google classrooms.
- Southridge’s virtual classrooms will use both face-to-face online classes and self-directed learning modules.
- To ensure that all students receive adequate attention from their teachers, each section have at most 18 students (Day School) or 20 students (Afternoon School).
Classes: These are the guidelines being followed to assure maximum learning in the online classrooms.
- Online lessons with teachers and students interacting in real-time (synchronously)
- Held via Google Meet with the use of Google Classroom and other G Suite apps
- 35 mins (Grade School) or 40 mins (High School)
- Always have 10-minute breaks in between
- Recorded and uploaded; saved until the end of the term or period
Modules: These are prepared by the teachers to assure that the students are properly guided through the lessons. One problem of online schooling is maintaining the focus of the students on the tasks assigned to them. The modules help with that problem.
- Self-directed (asynchronous) online and offline activities that supplement and support classes
- Designed with learning objective/s, a pre-activity, learning tasks, and a post-assessment; incorporates traditional homework
- 60 mins (Grade School and High School)
- Uploaded at 12:00 NN on the Saturday of the preceding week (Grade School) or 7:40 AM of the designated day (High School)
- Teachers are available for consultation (30 mins/section in the Grade School and 20 mins/section in the High School) in the Meet link at specific times during module hours.
- Submissions via Google Classroom are due at 9:00 PM (Grade School) and 5:00 PM (High School) of the designated day.
Subject-Specific Details
- Religion gives ungraded pre work since it does not have modules.
- PE outputs are due on the upcoming Saturday at 12:00 NN.
- Work Ed, Computer, Music, and Art outputs are due at 9:00 PM (Grade School) or 5:00 PM (High School) of the day after the class.
- In the Grade School, Music is taught with an alternating class-module weekly schedule.
- In Junior High School, Work Ed, Computer, Music, and Art are taken for half the year.
- The tables on the following pages show the required subjects per grade level. Following the Department of Education’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC), we streamlined our subject offerings to the most important ones in order to help students transition better into the new mode of learning.
- The competencies to be covered are documented in the Term/Semestral Academic Coverage (TAC/SAC) which are uploaded in the respective subjects’ Google Classrooms.
Wednesday SCHEDULE
Wednesdays always start with Advisory. The class adviser sets the tone and briefs the students on the day’s activities. The rest of the day is devoted to PE class via module, student assemblies, mentoring chats, remedial classes, club activities, and other means of formation.
Grading System
At the end of the term or period, numerical grades will continue to be given. At the end of the school year, academic awards will also be given. The grading system has been adapted so that assessments focus on authentic demonstrations of learning in an online environment. Pen-and-paper tests for most subjects have been replaced with performance-based tasks.
Promotion System
The Promotion System follows the one stated in the Student Handbook with the following exceptions:
- The Grades 1 to 10 non-promotion provision is suspended. This means that at the end of the school year, if a student fails three or more subjects (before validation), he may validate all of those subjects following the validation guidelines. Furthermore, if a student fails one or more validation exams, he takes Extended School Year classes for the subject/s he failed.
- The Afternoon School promotion criteria is suspended and follows the Day School promotion criteria. A full scholar, however, is still required to obtain a year end general average of at least 80. If he does not, he becomes a partial scholar.
- A Senior High School student can validate all of the subjects he fails in a semester following the validation procedure. The maximum number of Extended Semester classes a student may take are three during the sem/summer break and two during the regular semester.
Elementary education is the first part of the educational system, and it includes the first six years of compulsory education from grades 1 to 6. These years seek to lay down the foundations for lifelong learning and human development. The development starts with an emphasis on factual knowledge, an attention to culture and citizenship, and lower degree of student involvement in the design of learning experiences. As the grade levels progresses, so does the attention to more reflective learning experiences and more involvement in the learning process.
In terms of curriculum, this objective suggests an emphasis on reading and writing skills, arithmetic skills, and basic social studies and science.
Major subjects include:
Grades 1 to 3: English, Math, Science, Filipino, Civics and History, Religion, Penmanship, and MAPE(Music, Arts and PE)
Grade to 6: English, Math, Science, Filipino, Civics and History, Religion, TLE (Computer / Home Economics and Livelihood Education), and MAPE(Music, Arts and PE)
Junior high school is from grades 7 to 10. This part of the education process is responsible for the development of the young during their adolescence, the most rapid phase of their physical, mental and emotional growth. It is at these levels where the values and attitudes formed at grade school are more firmly ingrained alongside the acquisition of higher knowledge and skills. Classes are structured, lasting approximately one hour each. There is higher demands on skills development and knowledge of content compared grade school years. They are also trained to keep up with the books, assignments and requirements of individual classes. They are also given more opportunities to work in a collaborative environment that's more socially and academically challenging
In terms of curriculum, this level offers higher levels of knowledge and skills compared to basic educations. Subject covered by each grade level are:
Grade 7 - Filipino, English , Algebra, Integrated Science, Philippine History, Religion.
Grade 8 - Filipino, English, Algebra, Biology, Asian History, Religion.
Grade 9 - Filipino, English, Geometry, Chemistry, World History, Religion
Grade 10 - Filipino, Literature, Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Economics, Moral Theology.
Senior High School is grades 11 and 12. In the K to 12 program, senior high is two years of specialized upper education. Students may choose a specialization based onnaptotude, interests, and the schools capacity. The educational focus during these years is varied according to the student's interests and future direction. There is more focus on specialized subjects and provides entry level skills and knowledge for transition to tertiary education.
The strands that Southridge offers are:
Accountancy, Business, Management (ABM)
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematic (STEM
General Academic Strand (GA)