Parent Formation

The manner in which this education will be carried out is specified as “home-school collaboration”. This belief is based on a more primary one which states that the parents are the primary educators of their children. The school does not want to take away from the parents this right and duty of theirs. The school wants to complement the parents’ task. To achieve this, there must be close communication and cooperation between the school and the parents.

One of the schools primary program for parents is the Parent-Mentor Conference. The periodic parent-mentor conference, more than a report about a student in school, is really a conversation on the mentor and a student’s parents can collaborate to help develop specific virtues. This conference takes place at least twice in a school year. What a mentor relates to his mentees’ parents is information known by teachers and classmates, never on matters that you have related to him in confidence.  Mentors live by a strict silence of office; they cannot divulge what is told to them in the chat unless a mentee gives them explicit permission or an immediate and life threatening danger is perceived in the school community. Through this conference, the home and the school work together to attain the same academic and personal formation goals.

Other means of formation for parents are:

  1. Parents’ Quarterly Forum
  2. New Parents’ Enrichment Program
  3. Monthly Basic Christian Doctrine Class and Recollection for Fathers
  4. Educhild Seminars