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Virtues of a Southridge Gentleman

STUDY A Southridge Gentleman resolves to know what is right. He studies seriously, learns continually, and thinks in a Christian way.
ORDER A Southridge Gentleman knows that virtues are forged in work. He puts everything in its place. For him, God is first, others second, himself last.
TRUTHFULNESS A Southridge Gentleman seeks the truth, loves the truth, and humbly tells the truth. He knows himself and lets himself be known.
CHARITY A Southridge Gentleman is caring, respectful, understanding, and refined. He serves others especially the needy.
GENEROSITY A Southridge Gentleman gives his whole self to great and noble ideals. He strives to work as the best or better than the best.
OBEDIENCE A Southridge Gentleman is one with his family, his community, his country and all peoples. He obeys all authority, beginning with his elders and teachers.
LOVE FOR GOD A Southridge Gentleman says “yes” to God’s call to be holy. He prays to know and to do the will of God at all times.
FORTITUDE A Southridge Gentleman conquers all fear. He never gives up in the fight to do what is best.
SELF-DISCIPLINE A Southridge Gentleman is a master of himself and his feelings. He does not put his heart in material things.
CHEERFULNESS A Southridge Gentleman is a confident son of God. He sows peace and joy wherever he is.
LOYALTY A Southridge Gentleman holds firmly to his principles and commitments. He is dedicated to fulfill the Southridge mission.
RESPONSIBILITY A Southridge Gentleman gives each one his due. He takes charge of all his duties without fail.