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Spiritual Formation
Spiritual formation in Southridge is education in the faith and formation in faith. Without faith, Religion classes do not make sense. Without faith, the Christian meaning of certain topics is never grasped. Without the right disposition, Southridge education would be reduced to an education with Christian trimmings.
The spiritual means of formation are carried out with utmost fidelity to the Church’s Magisterium and with a lay spirituality. The first is manifested in the Religion classes, the second, in the spirituality taught in the Religion classes, meditations, mentoring chats, liturgical services, and spiritual direction. The lay spirituality is likewise shown in the promotion of the sanctification of ordinary work. PAREF has entrusted the spiritual formation of her schools to the priests of the Opus Dei Prelature. The spiritual means of formation are a feature Southridge shares with Catholic schools. They are the Roman Catholic component of Southridge education. These activities exist to achieve the ultimate goal of any Christian education – sanctity and apostolate.