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Institutional Goals for Students
For our graduates to become MEN OF INTEGRITY, the school must develop them in the following areas:
- Mastery of the core content, skills and values essential to the different learning discipline.
- The ability to identify, define, and solve problems independently
- The ability to form judgments based on universal truths
- Intellectual humility to withhold judgment when evidence and reasons are insufficient
- Habit of reading critically using morally sound criteria
- The ability to write clearly and confidently with substance and organization in various styles
- A sense of wonder, being open-minded, and intellectually curious that leads them to become life-long learners and self-determined thinkers
- Respect for the dignity of the human person
- Discernment of the good and the ability to direct themselves freely towards its fulfillment
- A deep spiritual life so that they be men of faith
- The zeal to employ their gifts and talents to the service of God
- The ability to speak clearly and competently, engage in meaningful dialogue
- The ability to respond to communications by asking questions and defining terms
- The ability to adapt to any given situation and be able to express ideas effectively and appropriately
- Desire to help the needy
- Compassion for others
- Responsibility for and the care of their environment
- Genuine concern for their immediate community’s problems and its sustainable development which should progress to concern for society in general
- Love for one’s country’s culture and heritage
- Appreciation, empathy, and understanding of a range of cultures and religions, beginning with one’s own, guided by values of truth, honesty, fairness, equality, and integrity
- Sensitivity to feedback
- Objectivity and empathy in listening to others
- A sporting spirit which will make them flexible to various situations and resilient in the face of failures and difficulties as well as learning from his mistakes
- Recognize that their studies are an important contribution to society and try to work with the greatest possible human perfection
- Choose a career with a sense of social responsibility, attuned to the real needs of the country
- Recognize one’s gifts and aptitudes to help them choose their future career responsibly
- A sense of wellness and concern for their health and physical fitness as a form of respect for God’s gift
- The prudent use of leisure time and healthy forms of entertainment.
The K to 12 program offers a decongested 12 year program that gives students sufficient time to masters skills and absorb basic competencies. In Southridge, we believe in a holistic education, one that transforms, not just the mind, but every aspect of a person. We balance the academic program with a personal formation program that will develop values and virtues that will result in better human beings and individuals.
For our graduates to become MEN OF INTEGRITY, the school must develop in them…
- Mastery of the core content, skills and values essential to the different learning disciplines
- The ability to identify, define, and solve problems independently
- The ability to form judgments based in universal truths
- Intellectual humility to withhold judgment when evidence and reasons are insufficient
- Habit of reading critically using morally sound criteria
- The ability to write clearly and confidently with substance and organization in various styles
- become life-long learners and self-determined thinkers
- Respect for the dignity of the human person
- Discernment of the good and the ability to direct themselves freely towards its fulfillment.
- A deep spiritual life so that they be men of faith
- The zeal to employ their gifts and talents to the service of God
- The ability to speak clearly and competently, engage in meaningful dialogue
- The ability to respond to communications by asking questions and defining terms
- The ability to adapt to any given situation and be able to express ideas effectively and appropriately
- Desire to help the needy
- Compassion for others
- Responsibility for and the care of their environment
- Genuine concern for their community’s problems and its sustainable development which should progress to concern for society in general
- Live for one’s country’s culture and heritage
- Appreciation, empathy, and understanding of a range of cultures and religions, beginning with one’s own, guided by values of truth, honesty, fairness, equality, and integrity
- Sensitivity to feedback
- Objectivity and empathy in listening to others
- A sporting spirit which will make them flexible to various situations and resilient in the face of failures and difficulties as well as learning from his mistakes
- Recognize that their studies are an important contribution to society and try to work with the greatest possible human perfection
- Choose a career with a sense of social responsibility, attuned to the real needs of the country
- Recognize one’s gifts and aptitudes to help them choose their future career responsibly
- A sense of wellness and concern for their health and physical fitness as a form of respect for God’s gift
- The prudent use of leisure time and healthy forms of entertainment